Horizontal section method for calculating coal reserves

Reserve calculation method

(5) Horizontal section method

The horizontal section method is essentially a type of parallel section method, except that its section is not a vertical plane but a horizontal plane.

Envisions a series of equidistant tangential horizontal plane and the coal layer, is obtained a series of horizontal section different elevations seam, then, calculates adjacent, coal reserves and the volume between the two lower horizontal section.

In the formula, V is the coal seam volume between the upper and lower adjacent horizontal sections; S1 and S2 are the areas of the coal seams on the upper and lower adjacent horizontal cut planes respectively; h is the vertical distance between the upper and lower adjacent horizontal cut planes; d is the coal seam bulk density.

This method is suitable for the calculation of reserves in inclined thick coal seams for open pit mining. The advantage is that the reserves can be calculated and calculated separately according to the height of the open-pit mining stage, which is convenient for the mine design and mining department to utilize.

Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid

Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic ACID (LABSA), Brown liquid, Molecular Formula: C18H30O3S, Trade Nam Sulfonic Acid, Melting Point 10°C, Density 1.06g/ml, Class 8 chemical,it is a largest volume surfactant because of its low cost, good performance; environmental friendliness .For the production of sulfonic acid, LABSA, alkaline benzene linear sulfation is usually used. Its components: linear alkyl benzene, oxygen, sulfur and Citric Acid.
Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid is a batch of organic sulfur compounds that are used in most home detergents, dishwashing detergents, Detergent powder, cleaning powder, washing powders, detergent cake, liquid soap, soaps etc. LABSA, sulfonic acid compound is used as a foaming agent , cleaning agent in more formulations and toilet soaps for foaming. Sulfonic acid, LABSA is using in detergent industries, in textile industry as a washing agent, pesticides industries to improve the quality of spray. Sulfonic acid, LABSA is not inflammable substance and can dissolve in water, but not in organic solvent.
Application detail:
In hair shampoo, bath shampoo, dish detergents and complex soap, laundry powder, dishware cleaner in daily chemical industry.
it is also used in wetting and clearer , dyeing assistant in textile industry.
Degrease agent in electroplate and leather manufacture.
De-inking agent in paper making.

Alkyl Benzene Sulphonate,Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid,Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid,Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid Detergent

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