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The relationship between bedrock exposed rate and nutrients measured by soil nutrient fastness meter was consistent with the effect of formation factors on nutrient, and it was contrary to the impact of vegetation coverage. This is mainly due to the fact that the exposed bedrock of the sloping farmland in the karst area has a high exposed rate, a large gradient, and a thin soil layer. In addition, the rainfall in the karst area is relatively large, and the surface soil can easily be washed away by rainwater, resulting in various slope soils. Nutrients continue to be lost and soil fertility continues to decline.
When cultivating the sloping farmland, the selection of the soil with less exposed bedrock and good vegetation cover has a certain effect on the retention of nutrients. From the numerical correlation analysis of the soil nutrient fastness meter, it can be seen that the soil organic matter, alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium are influenced by the landform factors to varying degrees. The correlations between rock stratigraphic strikes and rock dip angles and nutrients are similar, demonstrating that the two factors of stratigraphic strike and formation dip have the same effect throughout the entire test plot.
Through the above analysis of the soil nutrient fastness tester, it can be seen that the spatial distribution and spatial variation of farmland soil nutrient elements in the geological and karst areas, such as slopes, slope directions, rock properties, and structural factors, have important influence on the spatial distribution of soil nutrients and related vegetation cover. The influence of random factors such as vegetation type, degree of crops, and agriculture on the spatial variability of organic matter content also has a role.
Soil nutrient tester test plots and environmental factors
The correlation analysis of soil nutrients and the environmental factor variables have a greater relationship. The soil nutrient tester test samples and environmental factors show different correlations in soil nutrients in the study area. Slope factor is positively correlated with total nitrogen, total phosphorus and phosphorus, negatively correlated with organic matter, total nitrogen and potassium, and alkaline potassium; slope direction and soil thickness are positively related to most nutrients, especially slope direction and soil thickness. Alkaline nitrogen content was positively correlated.