United Nations: "Do not give up any one person"

[China Agricultural Machinery Industry News] The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, By José Graziano da Silva, attended the World Humanitarian Conference in Istanbul on May 23-24. The situation is being made.
United Nations: "Do not give up any one person"
As large-scale disasters and conflicts become more frequent, people in many parts of the world are suffering. The typhoon Haiyan, the Ebola virus, and the Syrian civil war are just a few examples of recent occurrences. We need more coordinated actions to end conflicts, alleviate suffering, and reduce the risks and vulnerabilities faced by millions of people. Most of them are trapped in poverty and live in rural and marginal areas of developing countries. This is actually the goal of the World Humanitarian Summit convened by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. It seeks to rely on a series of special commitments made by the international community and to go further in this momentum.
The United Nations has recently adopted a sustainable development agenda aimed at ending hunger and poverty, “not giving up any one person”, a common climate change agreement, and a new framework for reducing disaster risk and enhancing resilience, all of which are important in the right direction. pace. But we must go further and completely change the way we understand and implement humanitarian work. The crisis does not only include humanitarian crises. Many crises are caused by neglect and lack of development, and these problems cannot be solved solely by humanitarian action. In fact, it means not only taking short-term disaster response measures, but also greatly increasing the investment in resolving the root causes of the crisis. It means enhancing resilience and consolidating people's livelihoods, not only to drive reconstruction after war, disease, floods and Other shocks, but also to reduce the impact of these crises and prevent them from appearing as much as possible. To strengthen the livelihoods of vulnerable people, the development of agriculture and rural areas is the key. This group includes hundreds of millions of small farmers who are an important part of food production worldwide. They are at great risk. The devastating effects they have suffered are obvious to all. Extreme weather events, including the extreme weather associated with El Niño, have ravaged the vast rural areas of developing countries. Animal outbreaks have disrupted the food chain. The war has forced millions of people to leave their homes, fields and livestock and become refugees. Their scale has never been since World War II. Have had it.
The agricultural sector suffers from 22% damage and loss caused by natural disasters, which is as high as 85% in the case of drought. At the same time, however, the agricultural sector received an average of less than 4% of humanitarian aid. The gap between demand and response is evident. In this context, we must emphasize that investing in farmers' livelihoods is not only reasonable, but also cost-effective, because it helps resolve the root causes of conflicts, reduces the impact of future shocks, and prevents further deepening of vulnerability. And the beginning of a vicious circle. Expanding the coverage of social protection systems is critical to enhancing resilience – both in the areas of humanitarian response and development. In dealing with natural disasters, the cost-effectiveness of investing in disaster risk reduction is four to seven times higher than relying on emergency response. However, only 0.4% of Official Development Assistance is used to reduce disaster risk. Moreover, in armed conflicts and protracted crises, protecting, saving and rebuilding agricultural livelihoods, thereby saving lives and creating conditions for longer-term resilience are key steps in ensuring peace and stability. However, the role of the agricultural sector in the crisis is often overlooked and the necessary investments are not in place.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization also provides humanitarian assistance and development assistance. We are convinced that the preparations for early warning, prevention and protection of livelihoods should be given top priority, especially in rural areas. Globally, there is sufficient evidence to prove the benefits of doing so, proving that it reduces the need for emergency intervention.
More generally, we see that investment in agriculture helps to increase the self-reliance and dignity of vulnerable rural communities and reduce the demand for food aid. We found that $200 in support would allow a Syrian farmer to produce two tons of wheat, enough for a family of six to eat for a year, and to provide seeds for future cultivation. This is only a small part of the economic cost of food aid, and it is even more trivial in terms of labor costs.
If we want to cope with the growing humanitarian needs, we need to break the rules and manage the crisis in different ways. We need to ensure that the interventions we take must have long-term impact on beneficiaries, especially beneficiaries in rural areas, and then take appropriate action. Only in this way can we ensure that no one is left behind.
(Original title: From crisis to development: enhancing the role of agriculture)

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