Washan beneficiation plant using a three-stage closed-circuit and two-stage crushing system-wide closed-circuit grinding system, and weak magnetic - intensity magnetic separation process respectively (FIG. 3). The main production indicators of the factory in 1998 are shown in Table 1. Figure 3 Concentration process of the concave mountain plant Table 1 Production indicators of selected plants in 1998
HDPE plastic pipe welding equipment with CNC control system is called full-automatically polyethylene welding equipment. CNC Pipe Butt Welding Machine performs the joining process of different plastic pipes and fittings using the heat fusion method. It includes HDPE,PP, PVDF options. Integrated CNC control ensures correct welding procedures including temperature, time and pressure functions. It can avoid operator's error and stop welding if any mistake during welding process. CNC Poly Fusion Machines really improve welding quality and get high efficiency of butt-fusion. Furthermore,The use of high quality pressure-cast Aluminium castings allows for lower weight without compromising strength and performance, while providing extra strength when welding out-of-round pipe. CNC Thermofusion pipe welding machine, which is produced under a high technology with special design of fusion machines, has the principle of working on the logic of the hydraulic system.
Wuxi Yuda Plastic Pipe Welding Machine has fully-automatic fusion welding plastic welder from 40-2600mm. you can view RDH-A series Automatic HDPE Pipe Fusion Machine and RDH-AR series CNC hdpe fusion machines.
CNC Welding,Poly Fusion Welding,HDPE Fusion Welding,Polyethylene Fusion Welding WUXI MEIERTE MACHINERY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD , https://www.wxpipefusionweldings.com product name Production / 10,000 t Yield/% grade/% Recovery rate/% Raw ore 502.89 100.00 29.12 100.00 Concentrate 181.23 36.04 63.86 79.02 Tailings 321.67 63.96 9.55 20.98
The produced iron concentrate has a V 2 O 5 of 0.3% and a low grade, which is used for smelting steel to extract vanadium . In recent years, fine mineral rate of 30.64 percent iron, about TFe64.09%, 79.82% recovery of iron, tailings TFe9.23%, ore TFe26.04%, iron ore in V 2 O 5 is still 0.3%.