glass tubes are utilized for various purposes like holding and mixing chemicals, conducting experiments, and storing samples. The transparency of glass allows researchers to observe reactions and changes inside the tube easily. Glass tubes are also resistant to chemical corrosion, ensuring the integrity of the substances being handled. tempered sight glass, redline glass tube, glass pipe, borosilicate glass tube Hengshui Aohong Technology Co.,Ltd. ,
The first pump developed using pitot tube principle is open and has many drawbacks. Until the 1920s; people have developed a closed Pitot pump. After the outbreak of World War II, Germany and Britain began to develop rotary jet pumps for the development of rockets and missiles. With the end of World War II, rotary jet pump research fell into a downturn. Until the 1960s, people invented the enclosed runner and the cover, which formed a radial rotating impeller to make the rotary jet pump began to develop and eventually formed the current Pitot-tube principle of jet pump model. At this point, a multitude of industries need a stable, high-pressure pump that can adjust flow rates and work on a full range of lift curves. Such high-pressure pumps are required for cleaning systems in the food industry, and rotary jet pumps happen to meet this requirement. Such cleaning systems are found everywhere in the food industry, such as meat packaging, brewing, canning of fruits and vegetables, and beverage processing. In addition, pumps with such operating characteristics are needed in the paper industry, petrochemical and refinery, and power plants. In this context, the patented rotary jet pump appeared in the United States in the 1960s. By the 1970s, Kobe Corporation produced the first commercial rotary jet pump, and since then rotary jet pumps have started to go to the market and are gradually accepted. In the 1970s and 1980s, there was a worldwide patent climax on rotary jet pumps. Abroad, rotary jet pump has been more satisfactory performance
In the pharmaceutical industry, glass tubes are used for the production and storage of medications. They provide a safe and sterile environment for drug formulation and packaging. Glass tubes are also commonly used for blood collection and storage in medical facilities.
In the electronics industry, glass tubes are utilized in the production of vacuum tubes and cathode ray tubes. These tubes are crucial components in devices like televisions, computer monitors, and amplifiers.
The material used to manufacture glass tubes is primarily borosilicate glass. Borosilicate glass is composed of silica and boron trioxide, which gives it unique properties such as high resistance to thermal shock, chemical inertness, and low coefficient of thermal expansion. These characteristics make borosilicate glass ideal for applications that involve extreme temperatures and corrosive substances.
Overall, glass tubes are essential components in various industries due to their transparency, resistance to chemicals and thermal shock, and their ability to provide a sterile environment.
Rotary jet pump development
Rotary jet pump development history, working principle, structure, characteristics, applications made a more comprehensive introduction. Rotary jet pump structure principle is 1923 by F. W. Krogh suggested that he promoted the Pitot tube principle to the design of the pump so it was called a Pitot pump.