Do not throw the oil off before checking the strainer

Many users of EFI's three systems in the common railroad system were struggling in the morning to start up. They suddenly couldn't add oil, and they did not have any trouble codes and speed limits. The ignition lock was turned off for a while and returned to normal. In this case, first do not doubt whether your car needs to repair or replace parts of the EFI system. First, check whether the inlet port filter of the “high pressure oil pump” is blocked.

Song Ge Xiu EFI (4) Do not throw the oil off before checking the filter

The figure above shows the installation position of the inlet filter of the current mainstream three-engine. This is the EFI common rail system, the last barrier of the low-pressure oil circuit. Its role is to intercept and filter large particles. These impurities will seriously damage the high-pressure oil pump precision parts, cause the oil pump to be scrapped, the common rail system to paralyze, and the loss of the owner is huge.

Song Ge Xiu EFI (4) Do not throw the oil off before checking the filter

This is a heavily plugged filter. The black material in the photograph is a jelly-like thick material with large particles. This is a typical case of dirty oil tanks, poor oil products and false diesel filter elements. Fortunately, the owners discovered that cleaning the filter and replacing the genuine filter element did not cause much damage.

Song Ge Xiu EFI (4) Do not throw the oil off before checking the filter

● Some questions:

1 My car normally changes the filter, how could such large particles go to the pump filter?

A: Through the phenomenon to see the nature, high-pressure oil pump filter plugging is a protective measure, the essence of which is caused by the replacement of inferior diesel filters. The quality of the filter has many aspects, such as the paper in the filter element, adhesive substances, etc. Some of the defective filters were invisible at the time. For a long time, many problems could occur under the immersion of diesel oil.

2 This filter is broken, can you remove it?

A: Absolutely not, the proposed screening of 50,000 kilometers of filters, poor oil products in bad areas, should be replaced in advance diesel fuel filter, do not wait until the high-pressure pump filter plugged in the sheep. If the filter is clogged, it is very likely that the common rail system has been abnormally working, and the precursor to damage will be a huge loss.

3 Why is the shape and position of my car filter different from the installation position on the map?

A: The electronically controlled common rail system for domestic heavy trucks is dominated by Bosch and Denso. In the figure above, some examples of Bosch systems are used. The electrical installation system is slightly different. It is recommended that card members go to an official repair station to resolve or replace them. part.

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