China Coatings Industry Association: Preparation of Iron Oxide Energy Consumption Limit Standards

Recently, the China Coatings Industry Association held the first meeting of the Working Group on Standardization of Energy Consumption Limits for Iron Oxide Unit Products, marking the official initiation of the preparation of the standard. The meeting discussed the standard development process and work arrangements. It was determined that the first draft was submitted for review in June this year. The draft for consultation was formed before July and public opinions were solicited. A draft for review was formed before September and a draft for approval was formed before November. Send it to the National Development and Reform Commission and the Energy Bureau.

Boiler Air Preheaters

Energy Saving Air PreheaterAir preheater is one of the most important accessories in modern boilers. Air preheater is commonly found in all modern boilers. To increase the efficiency of the boiler accessories like air preheater is used in the boilers.

Types of air preheater in a boiler

The air preheaters are classified into two types based on their features and construction. These two types of air preheater are

Recuperative or Tubular type air preheater

Regenerative or Rotational type air preheater

Recuperative or Tubular type air preheater is further classified into two types, they are

Horizontal tubular type

Vertical tubular type

Regenerative or Rotational type air preheater is also classified into two types they are

Rotating baskets (Ljungstrom)

Rotating hood (Rothemuhle)

Air Preheater In Boiler Diagram,Preheater In Boiler,Function Of Air Preheater In Boiler,Steam Air Preheater

Jinan Yuanda Power Equipment Co.,Ltd. ,