Tin sand beneficiation technology : Most tin selection plants in the country use re-election to recover tin. The effective fraction of tin recovered by re-election is +40 μm, while the recovery of very low for -40 μm is generally only about 10%. The country's annual loss of tailings tin metal of 9.6 million tons, including metal -40μm size fractions the loss of about 76,800 tons / year, 80% of the total tailings loss. Tin sand beneficiation technology: The most effective way to recover tin from fine mud is to use flotation. From 1983 to 1987, Guangxi Dachang Chehe Concentrator used mixed toluene decanoic acid and benzyl phthalic acid as collectors . The flotation index was better, and the tin recovery rate in fine mud was greatly improved. Both the environment and the human body are harmful during the process of re-production of the drug and during use. We have developed a combination of salicylic acid and P86 in the flotation of tin in the plant. The tin concentrate has a grade of 28% and the recovery rate is 93%. Compared with the re-election, the recovery rate in the fine mud can be improved. 40-50%. Tin sand beneficiation technology: On this basis, in 2005, GYC new collector was developed. The price of this agent is lower than that of salicylortic acid. It is used in small experiments with Yunnan Dulong tin mine in combination with P86. Test indicators. Using the heavy-floating combined process (coarse grain re-election, fine-grain flotation), the index of concentrate concentration is 40.48% and the recovery rate is 53.77%. Compared with the original full re-election index, the recovery rate is increased by 16 percentage point. Tin sand beneficiation technology: The test work is being prepared for expansion test and industrial test. After successful test, it can be promoted and applied in various selection plants of Dulong tin mine. The cassiterite brittleness is extremely easy to muddy loss during the beneficiation process. For many years, domestic and foreign mineral processing workers have done a lot of work in research to reduce the loss of tin fine mud and improve the recovery rate of tin ore dressing. For example, the use of peripheral blasting mills, fine sieving machines, coarse-grain flotation machines, etc., and these equipments and the traditional rafting process are difficult to solve the ore dressing problem of the type of ore size unevenness in the cassiterite polymetallic sulphide ore. Tin sand beneficiation technology: The coarse-grained early-collected cassiterite low-odor slab floating process developed by us is to pass the re-election concentrate under coarse grinding (-1.5mm) conditions through the floating operation, firstly to remove the coarse-grain monomer cassiterite and vulcanization. Separation of ore, timely recovery of monolithic cassiterite, direct access to high-quality cassiterite concentrate, to achieve the purpose of early harvesting cassiterite. Thereby, the loss of the sillimanite over-grinding mud is reduced, and the recovery rate of tin is significantly improved. Secondly, the pharmacy and the platform surface structure of the platform float are also studied and improved. The technology has the use of coarse-grained tin ore desulfurization test pit saws, Guangdong and Jiangxi iron cage Tin Hill tungsten tin, the desulfurization effect is good. AKKU DUKA HOTO Infrared Laser Tools
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