National Energy Administration: The energy industry must achieve six major changes

As China’s current energy supply is in a tightly balanced state, there are outstanding issues such as unreasonable energy structure, low energy utilization efficiency, and low proportion of renewable energy development and utilization in the energy supply and utilization modes. On November 23, the National Energy Administration’s energy Li Ye, Director of the Department of Conservation, Technology and Equipment pointed out at the 2011 ABB Power World Opening Forum that the sustainable development of China's energy industry needs to achieve six major changes.

Li Ye said that the six major changes include shifting from focusing on ensuring supply to changing scientifically the total production and consumption of energy; shifting from a resource-dependent development model to a scientific and technological innovation-driven development model; and relying heavily on coal resources to green , diversified, low-carbon energy development and transformation; from the independent development of various energy types coal-electricity oil and gas, to a variety of energy complementary and system integration and coordination; from the ecological environment protection lags behind energy development to the ecological environment protection and energy coordination development; Excessive reliance on domestic energy supply is based on domestic and international cooperation.

It is understood that in 2010 China's total social power consumption reached 41.99 billion kwh, of which industrial electricity accounted for 75%, indicating that China's industrial structure is not as reasonable compared with developed countries. The national "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" has formulated the overall strategy for energy development in the future, and proposed reasonable control of total energy consumption, transformation of energy production and utilization methods, and realization of sustainable development of the energy industry. Li Ye said that this is the first time China has proposed to control the total amount of energy consumption. This has formed a forceful mechanism for industrial restructuring.

Li Ye revealed that the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration are organizing the preparation of the National Energy “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, which covers several aspects such as total control, structural adjustment, technological progress, and institutional innovation.

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