Qatar and Royal Dutch Shell PLC signed an agreement on December 4 to build a petrochemical plant in Raflata Industrial City in Cartel, costing US$6.4 billion. Qatar Energy Minister Mohammedal-Sada and Shell CEO Peter Voser signed the agreement in Doha. When asked if this agreement would replace a similar agreement signed by Qatar and ExxonMobil, Alsad responded that this is not an alternative agreement. This is their strategic plan. Continuation, and Qatar is still preparing to build other petrochemical plants. In 2010, industry insiders disclosed that they believed ExxonMobil had withdrawn from the cooperation agreement with Qatar, but the company's CEORexTillerson denied this and said that the company is waiting for the Qatar decision. According to an official statement, this Qatar-owned plant with Shell will be able to produce 1.5 million metric tons of monoethylene glycol and 300,000 tons of linear alpha olefins each year, mainly exported to Asian markets. Qatar Petroleum (Qatar Petroleum) will hold 80% of the project, while Shell will hold the remaining 20%. Truck Brake Discs,Tralier Brake Disc,Truck Brake Rotor Pujie Industry Co., Ltd. ,