Nanjing "Stone Lock Queen" popular network can lift 85 kg stone lock

Nanjing "Stone Lock Queen" popular network one hand can lift 85 kg stone lock diesel generator | diesel generator price / 2012-09-21

She can lift 85 kg stone lock with one hand
Jiangning “Queen of Stone Locks” won the women's championship in the Yangtze River Delta Stone Lock Invitational
In recent days, on a Xihu alley, a lesbian's post with 85 kg of stone locks triggered the worship of netizens. Everyone used the “women's heroes” and “heroes” to describe the stone lock female master. The Yangzi Evening News reporter saw the stone lock female player in the Jiangning Shislock Association. She is not only the high disciple of Wang Daoquan, the inheritor of the intangible heritage of Jiangsu Province, but also the champion of the women's championship of the Yangtze River Delta Stone Lock Invitational this year. Less than two years after apprenticeship, it has become a veritable "stone lock queen".
She easily entertained with 85 pound stone locks
This "Queen of Stone Locks" is named Li Zhiyu, and is 45 years old this year. He is from Jiangning, Nanjing. In May 2011, Li Zhiyu won the women's championship with a weight of 85 pounds at the Jiangsu Provincial Keystone Competition held in Lianyungang. In May this year, at the stone lock invitational tournament held in Nanjing in the Yangtze River Delta, Li Zhiyu once again won the championship.
Recently, the reporter came to the Stone Lock Association of Jiangning, and Li Zhiyu has begun her stone lock show. I saw stone locks in Li Zhiyu's hands that seemed to be alive. Sometimes he leapt to the air, standing on his elbow occasionally. From time to time, he also had a “seabed moon exploration”. The heavy stone locks were danced by her, and the surrounding stone lock lovers could not help but Grab your palm. After a round of performances, Li Zhiyu sat down with a stone lock.
The reporter also wants to experience the charm of a stone lock. With one hand, there was no picking up; for two hands, the reporter’s face had already reached redness, and the stone lock was still not moving. Li Zhiyu smiled after watching, and she easily picked up the stone lock in one hand. She told reporters that he had reached the level of 85 pounds in less than a year's time. "This weight, many gay men have to practice for two to three years to achieve." And she can use two sets of 85 pounds of stone locks Action, throwing high, picking up, pushing flowers, Guanyin and other actions she has already practiced.
Once opposed to her husband playing stone locks
When talking about why she was linked to Shizuo, Li Zhiyu said that she was infected by her husband. Li Zhiyu's husband is also a stone lock enthusiast and has been playing for 15 years. However, in the first 13 years, Li Zhiyu had opposed her husband to practice stone locks. At that time, she always felt that Stone Lock was not good for her health. Every time I saw her husband pick up a heavy stone lock, Li Zhiyu's heart mentioned blind eyes. She feared that her husband's hand was stoned by a stone lock and she was worried that the stone was too heavy to be injured. Waist. For this reason, she banned her from stone locks at home.
By chance, Li Zhiyu saw her husband and dozens of people playing with stone locks. They tossed stone locks and played with relish. Therefore, Li Zhiyu first asked for a trial. Under the guidance of the master, she picked up 20 pounds of weight, lapped in the air, and played a push flower, and she was actually successful. In her husband’s “underarms”, she began to practice together with the Stone Lock Association twice a week. She did not expect rapid progress. In just 5 months, her stone locks had risen from 20 to 80 pounds and became a woman’s major. Lux.
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