The decline in the domestic steel market slowed down in 2014

In 2013, the steel market oscillated at a low level and “closed”. In 2014, there was still no obvious improvement, but the decline was slowing down. In the new year, the compression of environmental protection and excess production capacity will be significantly increased, and the supply pressure of the steel market in the later period will be adjusted. The problem of overcapacity in the steel industry is aggravated, and crude steel production will remain high for a short period of time.

2013 is a “time for trouble”. In a comprehensive view, 2013 may have accelerated China’s steel market reforms, which is an important turning point for China’s steel market.
According to the latest market report provided by the well-known steel and information organization “My Steel”, in the first week of 2014, the decline in the domestic spot steel price index slowed down by 0.24% a week. The forward price of rebar futures oscillated and the billet prices fluctuate fluctuately. The confidence of the spot steel market is still pessimistic. However, the current steel price has dropped to a stage low, and it is estimated that the space for further decline is also relatively limited.

According to analysis, in the plate market, prices have generally fallen. The price of plate is weak and the prices of major markets are mixed. Some merchants stated that for the market before the Spring Festival, there are still rising expectations, but they are worried about the immeasurable increase, and the risk of the market after the festival is added. The domestic steel market and steel prices after the Spring Festival in the past two years have experienced major declines.

The construction steel market is also hard to change the downward trend of prices, but the decline has been significantly slower than before. In Shanghai and Hangzhou, where the previous ton price fell more than 100 yuan per week, the current decline has generally narrowed to between 10 and 60 yuan. Merchants are very willing to ship, but unfortunately the market demand continues to be sluggish. After a long period of decline, the current domestic construction steel price is already at a stage low.

The overall weakness of the iron ore market will not change. In the domestic ore market, the prices of iron concentrates in Hebei fell slightly, and the ton price fell by 20 yuan per week. Some steel ore's "winter storage" basically ended, suspending procurement, and the transaction volume gradually decreased. The price of imported ore rose first and then fell. Platts' 62% grade iron ore index is currently at US$134.5 per ton, rising by US$1.25 per week. Affected by the speculation of "short-term themes" such as the Australian hurricane and the Brazilian flood, the price of foreign minerals rose once. However, the reaction of the steel mills is mostly a wait-and-see attitude, and the momentum for continued upward growth in the market is obviously insufficient.

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