The addition of buckyballs to the cable insulation increases 26% of the transmission


A few days ago, Swedish researchers said adding buckyballs to insulated plastic around high-voltage cables increased power transmission by 26%.

Buck Ball Aka C60, full name Buckminster fullerene, contains 60 carbon atoms, arranged in a soccer ball shape. Buck Ball has a unique electronic quality, but it has not yet been used on a large scale in the industry.

Now, researchers at Chalmers University of Technology and Nordic Chemistry in Sweden say that Buckyball can be realized as an additive in plastic for insulated cables.

In order to prevent damage to the insulation, today's cable voltage is limited. However, the team found that adding buckyballs to the plastic around the high-voltage cable increased the transmission by 26% without plastic degradation. Buck balls catch electrons and prevent them from breaking other molecules that make up plastic.

The application of this technology will greatly promote the field of electricity, especially in the field of renewable energy. New technology allows wind turbines at sea and desert solar panels to transmit more power to distant users.

"Reducing energy consumption in transmission is one of the most important factors in the energy system of the future," said Christian Müller, a researcher at Chalmers University of Technology. "Two other important factors are renewable energy development and energy storage technologies."

Researchers will now test the Barclays technique in AC and DC large cables.


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