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ATLAS ELEKTRONIK upgrades the German navy's mine-hunting technology
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK said recently that it has received a technical upgrade order from the Federal Army Equipment, Information Technology and Service Support Office (BAAINBw) for three Frankenthal-class (Type 332) mine-hunting ships in service with the German Navy.
     Known as the MJ 332 CL, the project aims to equip three mine-hunting ships with Atlas Electronics' Integrated Lightning Measurement System (IMCMS) and SeaFox Mine Disposal Vehicle. In addition, the company will provide these mine-hunting ships with the ability to control the Seehund underwater robot, which has so far been integrated into the Ensdorf class (Type 352) minesweeper. In addition, onshore training and testing facilities will be established on the mine-hunting ship, and these facilities will be put into operation. The project is planned to continue until 2020.
     The contract, worth about 78.5 million euros, was signed by the parties in the Koblenz Federal Army Equipment, Information Technology and Service Support Office.
     The German Navy currently has 10 Frankenthal-class mine-hunting ships in service. Five of them have been equipped with integrated lightning protection measurement systems (IMCMS) and SeaFox mine disposal vehicles from ATLAS ELEKTRONIK in 2009 and 2012. The goal of the next three mine-hunting ships of the project is to ensure the uniformity of the mine-hunting combat system and the ability to utilize a total of eight underwater disposal vehicles. The remaining two mine-hunting ships will be used as mission platforms for mine-sweepers.