The beneficiation of mica ore is the enrichment process of raw mica. Raw mica refers to mica crystal of any thickness in the original ore with a contour area greater than or equal to 4 cm 2 . The amount of raw mica content in the ore is called the raw mica content, which is usually expressed by the weight of the raw mica contained in the unit ore volume (kg/m 3 ). The ratio of the total weight of raw mica in the concentrate obtained from the ore dressing to the total weight of the raw mica contained in the ore is called the recovery rate.
Rail plastic dowel is also called rail plastic sleeve/plastic insert/concrete dowel/ concrete insert, which is a counter-party fastener for a screw spike or anchor bolt, and it is pre-imbedded into the concrete sleeper or wooden sleeper, installed together with Screw Spikes, guide plates and rail clips to fasten the rail tracks.
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The industry mainly uses mica natural crystals directly to process the desired products. The larger the mica crystal without defects, the higher its economic value. Therefore, in the process of beneficiation of mica ore, it is necessary to protect the natural crystals of mica from damage as much as possible.
At present, the beneficiation of the mica with a crystal contour area of ​​more than 4 cm 2 is mainly based on the difference in shape and friction coefficient between the mica crystal and the gangue. The commonly used methods are hand selection, friction selection, and shape selection. For the crushed mica with a crystal contour area of ​​less than 4 cm 2 , it is mainly sorted according to the difference in physicochemical properties between it and the surface of the gangue. The method used is flotation.
(1) Membrane mica beneficiation method and its process a. Hand-selected workers are selected on the mining face or pit ore heap, and the mica separated by monomer is sorted; the continuous body of mica and gangue is broken by hand hammer, and then selected Mica.
b. Friction dressing According to the difference between the sliding friction coefficient of the slab-shaped mica crystal and the rolling friction coefficient of the spheroidal gangue, the mica crystal and the gangue are separated. One of the devices used is a swash plate sorter. The machine is composed of a group of metals consisting of the swash plate, the swash plate of each length of 1350mm, width of 1000mm, under an angle larger than the inclination of the swash plate on a swash plate. A slit for collecting mica crystals is left at the lower end of each swash plate, and the width thereof is sequentially decreased in the order of slanting plates. The front edge of the slit is equipped with a triangular raft. During the sorting process, the large gangue rolls down to the stone pile; the mica and the smaller gangue block are blocked by the raft, and the sloping plate is dropped through the gap. The above process is repeated on the swash plate in turn to gradually separate the mica from the gangue. At present, the friction beneficiation process and equipment are not perfect, so this method has not been widely used in mica ore dressing.
c. Shape beneficiation According to the shape of the mica crystal and the gangue, the ability of the sieve to pass through the sieve and the sieve hole in the sieve is different, so that the mica and the gangue are separated. When sorting, a sieve having two or more different sieve surface structures is used, generally the first sieve mesh is strip-shaped; the second sieve mesh is square. When the ore enters the sieve surface, due to vibration or rolling action, the flaky mica and small gangue can leak from the strip sieve to the second sieve; because the second layer is sieve, the gangue can be sieved. Lower flaky mica. The shape beneficiation method has the advantages of simple process, less equipment, high productivity, good sorting effect, etc., and thus has been widely used in mica mines.
(2) Separation method and process of crushed mica a. Flotation Sorting according to the difference of surface physicochemical properties of mica and gangue. The ore is broken and ground to dissociate the mica monomer. Under the action of the agent, the mica becomes a foam product and is separated from the gangue. Mica flotation can be carried out in an acidic or alkaline slurry, and the long carbon chain amide cations and fatty acid anions are mica collectors . In the mica flotation process, three rough selections and three selections are required to obtain the mica concentrate. Therefore, mica ore float is used to recover mica and fine-grain mica below 14 mesh in pegmatite and mica schist. In China, mica ore flotation has not yet been produced and applied.
b. Wind selection Mica wind selection is achieved through special equipment. The process is generally: crushing→sieving classification→wind selection. After the ore is crushed, the mica is basically formed into a flaky shape, and the gangue mineral feldspar , quartz and the like are in the form of massive particles. Accordingly, the multi-level grading is used to pre-divide the selected materials into narrower granules, and according to the difference in the levitation speed in the airflow, special air-conditioning equipment is used for sorting. The wind selection method is applicable to areas where water is scarce and has been used for actual production.
Rail Plastic dowel(Rail Plastic Sleeve)