According to the company's advisory opinion, IBM researchers have developed an absorption spectroscopy platform that extends to the "fingerprint zone" of the infrared spectrum. The team at IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center demonstrated a silicon-based spectrometer-based chip-scale spectrometer with 100 ppm methane detection sensitivity. The platform uses 1650 nm optical fiber lasers and InGaAs NIR detectors to detect methane concentrations and uses tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS). This approach provides a low cost, high sensitivity methane detector solution for future applications such as gas leak detection and waste detection. IBM researchers have shown that the spectral range can be extended from the mid-infrared to 8um wavelength region, which is to detect molecular vibration "fingerprint zone", so the potential range of applications has become more extensive. In the recently published Optica paper, the team said "The results show that we have the potential to deliver mass-produced, low-cost integrated photonic chip sensors that meet the sensitivity and molecular characterization requirements of atmospheric composition and contamination measurements. " Scalability issues The state-of-the-art TDLAS system has proven its ability to detect ppm-level gases, and hand-held devices are easy to use, but their manufacturing scalability is relatively scarce, making it more difficult to deploy in larger networks today. William Green, principal investigator at the IBM team, said: "This approach uses components developed for optical communications applications and offers significant cost savings for current tens of thousands of dollars in methane-sensing spectrometers. Moreover, because there are no moving parts and no Accurate temperature control of the basic requirements, this sensor can run for many years and requires little maintenance. " Typical users may include oil and gas companies who immediately detect and measure leaks instead of relying on routine, professional inspections. "Methane leaks into the air when oil well equipment malfunctions, valves jam or pipes crack during natural gas extraction and transport," Green added. "We are developing ways to use this chip-level spectroscopy to create a sensor network Such as the well site network.These sensors' data is processed by IBM's physical analysis software, which automatically identifies the location of the leak and quantifies the amount of leakage. " Although methane is only a small part of the gas mixture that makes up the Earth's atmosphere, its greenhouse effect is far greater than what we know about carbon dioxide. The concentration of the latter has risen to the highest level in 800,000 years, according to the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO). WMO also mentioned in the Greenhouse Gas Bulletin released on October 30 that methane concentration has risen to 1853 ppb, an increase from the level of 1650 ppb in 1984, which has tripled compared to pre-industrial levels. Sodium Lignosulphonate Powder,Sodium Lignosulphonate Powder Dry,Sodium Lignosulphonate Powder Echa,Sodium Lignosulfonate Technical Powder SHANDONG ALIVAN CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. ,