Foliar Humidity Sensor Measuring Water Vapor Close to Leaves

Water vapor evaporates from the leaf surface to the leaf periphery through open pores and epidermal conduction pathways, thus creating a water vapor concentration gradient across the critical layer. The humidity measured by the leaf surface humidity sensor on the leaf surface depends on it. In still air, the absolute humidity in the critical layer and the value obtained by conventional measurements at a certain distance from the foliage (eg, at the top of a crop or in a standard weather shelter) are not equal.

Until now, a practical method of measuring the pressure of water vapor at the leaf surface by means of a leaf surface humidity sensor has been used. If a measuring instrument is installed on or near the foliage, the critical layer itself will change, and the measured value will be unreliable. The leaf surface humidity was measured with a leaf surface humidity sensor, and a humidity condition of 3 mm to 30 mm from the leaf surface was reported. Accurately measure the humidity within 3 mm of the leaves. In conclusion, the use of leaf wetness sensors is feasible for laboratory conditions that require tight control.

The wind across the leaves becomes laminar, and the industry takes water molecules directly from the leaves, otherwise the wet bulb will change the humidity of the critical layer. This naturally has an effect on the surface measurement of the leaf surface humidity sensor. At the same time, the dry and wet ball method requires that the wind speed through the wet bulb is greater than the wind speed that can break the critical layer. Therefore, it is not appropriate to use past methods to accurately measure the value of the humidity at the leaf surface.

Because the limitations of the common methods used in the past and certain defects do not really satisfy the determination of the humidity on the surface of the blade, the leaf humidity sensors developed so far are not only convenient for use, but also have more data for the experimentally determined data than the traditional methods. Accurate, so the application of the leaf surface humidity sensor in other fields will also gradually increase, and will not be limited to the determination of agricultural crops.

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