In a complex environment, properly configure wireless bridge monitoring!

With the ever-increasing diversity of building structures, and the ever-changing climate and environment, in order to better meet the needs of the project, a large number of engineering associations will choose flexible wireless bridges to build project plans. They hope to meet the needs of project monitoring transmission and wireless WiFi coverage in a complex environment through flexible transmission methods.
However, when it comes to wireless bridges, how can it be installed in order to meet the actual needs of the project? In the general wireless transmission project, we mostly ensure that the transmission and transmission ends are kept visible, and then carry out distribution planning according to the actual situation of the project so as not to affect the transmission quality. However, this does not mean that all projects can be easily planned and implemented. There are always some projects that are subject to environmental constraints and are difficult to implement, such as special scene monitoring for oceans, mountains, oil fields, and scenic spots. In such a difficult project environment, how can we successfully complete the project construction to ensure the smooth progress of the project? The following four aspects can be analyzed:
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Solar wind and solar power supply system
One is to solve the problem of power acquisition: This is the primary consideration for the implementation of special scenarios wireless monitoring projects. Due to the special nature of the on-site environment, taking power is a big problem and it is also one of the problems for engineering customers. . Under such circumstances, it can be solved by means of solar energy and wind power generation systems so as to meet the power supply requirements of the wireless monitoring system.
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Accurate transmission distance
The second is the precise transmission distance: The transmission distance is also a key point in the wireless monitoring system. This is not only related to how to plan the layout at the site, but also relates to what kind of equipment the project provider chooses to support the project transmission system. In this regard, it is recommended that the project contractor can comprehensively consider the project's cost budget, equipment performance, and on-site transmission distance.
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Accurately plan relay points
The third is to accurately plan relay points: considering the special scenes to monitor such projects, obstacles are generally more, in order to ensure the quality of the use of the system, the project provider can set relays in some places blocking the line of sight to signal transfer, protect the project With a complete network system.
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Fourth, do a good job in mountain lightning protection, rain and wind protection measures: the climate has a greater impact on outdoor projects, especially in the mountain climate change monitoring, if you ignore the relevant defense measures, it will often bring huge damage to the system. Therefore, it is recommended that project contractors do a good job of "three defenses" measures (lightning protection, wind protection, and rain protection) during the project planning period. They can also use professional outdoor transmission bridges. This will also provide a highly secure wireless solution for the project. surveillance system.

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