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Knowledge Institute: Pumps and valves terms English-Chinese comparison detailed table
First, the type of valve Chinese and English terms Airvalves Air Valve AngleStopvalves Angle valve AngleThrottleValves Angle throttle AngleTypeGlobeValves Door angle valve Ashvalves Ash discharge valve Aspiratingvalves Suction valve Auxiliaryvalves Auxiliary valve Balancevalves Balance valve Bellowsvalves Bellows Valve Blowdown Valves Brakevalves Brake Valves ButterflyTypeNon-slamCheck Butterfly Buffered Check ButterflyValveswithGearActuator Worm Gear Butterfly Valves Buttweldingvalves Butt Weld Valves Clampvalves Wafer Valves Cock Two Way Combinationvalves Combination Valves CQThreadBallValvesCQ Threaded Ball Valves Culvertvalves Underground Pipeline Valves Decelerationvalves Diaphragm Valves DiaphragmValves Diaphragm Valves Decompressionvalves Pressure Relief Valves DoubleDiscFlatGateValves Double Gate Flat Gate Valves DoubleDiskParallelGateValves Open Rod Parallel Gate Double Gate DoubleOpeningExhaustValves Double Channel Drainagevalves Drainage Valves ElectricActuatedStopValves Electric Globe Valves ElectricActuatedWedgeGateV alves Electric Wedge Gate Valve ElectricDoubleDiskParallelGateValves Electric Parallel Dual Gate Gate EmergenyCut-offValves Emergency Shut-Off Valve Exhaustvalves Exhaust Valve FreeFloatTypeSteamTrap Float Trap FlangeBallValves Flanged Ball Valve FlangeGateValves Flange Gate Valve FlangeGlobeValves Flange Shut-Off Valve GaugeValves Gauge Valve Hand-operatedvalves Manual Valves HardSealButterflyValves Metal Sealed Disc Valve HighTemperaturePressurePowerStationGateValves High Temperature and High Pressure Station Gate Valve HighTemperaturePressurePowerStationGlobeValves High Temperature and High Pressure Station Stop Valve Hydraulicrelayvalves Hydraulic Relay Valve LiftCheckValves Lift Check Valve LiftCheckValves Lift Check Valve Limitvalves Limit Valve LiningBallValves Lined Ball Valve LiningButterflyValves Liner Valve LiningCheckValves Lining Check Valve LiningCock Lining Two-way LiningGlobeValves LiningT-CockValves Three-way Plug Valve LiquidIndicator Level Gauge LPGPipeFitting Liquefied gas pipe fittings MagneticCo-operateGlobeValves Magnetic Coupling Globe Valve MagnetismForle Pumps Magnetic Pump ManualOilPumpsValves Hand Pump (Meter) MeterNeedleTypeGlobeValves Instrument Needle Globe Valve ObliqueStopValves DC Globe Valve ParallelSlideValves Slurry Valve Pintlevalve Needle Valve PipingCentrifugalPumps Pipeline Centrifugal Pump Plungervalves Plunger Valve Pressurevalve Pressure (Pressure) Valve PipingPumps Pipeline Pump PipingSafetyValves Pipeline Safety Valve PlungerGlobeValves Plunger Globe Valves QuickDrainingValves Quick Drain Valve RestrictorValves Overflow Valve SafetyValves Safety Valve ScrewPumps Screw Pump ScumGateValves Dump Gate Valve Solenoidvalves Solenoid Valve SingleDiscFlatGateValves Single Gate Flat Gate Valve SingleOpeningExhaustValves Single Port Exhaust Ball SlurryPumps Mud Pump StopValves Globe Valve Strainer Filter SubmergedMotorPumps Submersible Pump (Drain Pump) SwingCheckValves Swing Check Valve SwingCheckValves Swing Check Valve TankLorryBallValves Tanker Ball Valve T-Cock Tee ThinGateValves Thin Gate Valve ThrottleValves Throttle Valve TinyDragSlowShutCheckValves Slow Blocking Valves Triple (tee) valves Three-Way Valves Two-wayvalves Two-way Valves Underwater Pump Underwater Pumps Vacuum Pumps Vertical Vacuum Pumps VerticalLiftCheckValves Vertical Check Valves WaferCheckValves Wafer Check Valves Waferplatevalves Wafer Butterfly Valves Wafer TypeButterflyValveswithRubberItning Wafer Bushings Glue Butterfly Valve WasteValves Sewage Valve Sealing Valve Sealing Valve WedgeGateValves Wedge Gate Valve YTypeandCylinderFiltersY Type Tubular Filter II. Parts Glossary AxisGuide Sleeve Ball Ball Ballseat BlowdownSealingFace Valve body sealing body Body Bonnet Bonnet Disc Disc Mut Nut Screw Bolt Sealing Seal Spring Spring Stem StemMut Stemnut Stemseal Filler WedgeDisc Gate III Standard Specifications English Applicable Control Applicablemedium Temperature Applicable ButtClamp Clamicalanalysis Chemical composition Connectingformat Connection Doubledisc Double Shutter Flexibledisc Flexible Shutter Flange Flange Hoop clamp Insidethread Female Thread Jacket Jacket Mains Power Supply Materialchemicalanalysisandmechanicalcapacity Materials Chemistry and Mechanical properties materials Materials Materials and parts Materialsformainparts Mechanical Components Material Mechanicalcapacity Mechanical Max.DischargingCapacity Max.OperatingTemperature Max.AllowableTemperature Max.AllowableTemperature Max.AllowablePressure Max.Allowable Pressure Model Model Nameofparts Part Name nitrogen Nitrogen Nominalbore Nominal Nominal Nominal Press Nominal Pressure Nozzle Exhaust Outsidethread Male Oxidant Oxidant Parallel Piping Piston Piston Reductant Reducing Medium Risingstem Seal Rod Seal Seat Seat Seal Pressureure Seal Test Pressure Socket Sleeve Specifications Performance Specifications Singledisc Single Gate Solid Rigidity Strenghtestingpressure Strength Test Pressure Steam, Condensate Steam, Condensate Stroke Stroke, Stroke Water, oil, steam Water, Temperature, Gas Wedge Wedge Welding Four Material Chinese English Chinese Atlasmetal Nickel-chromium steel Buna-Nrubber NBR Rubber Castingaluminiumbrass Cast aluminum brass Castingaluminiumbronze Cast aluminum bronze Ceramicmetal Ceramic metal Chromelalloy Nickel-chromium alloy CHRrubber Chlorinated rubber Chrominm-molybdenum-vanadiumsteel Chromium-vanadiumsteel Chromiumstainlesssteel Chromium-stainless steel Chromium-molybdenumsteel Chromium molybdenum Steel Corrugationpad Waveform Pads Cuprumalloy Copper Alloy DuctileCastiron Ductile Iron Expandedgraphite Flexible Graphite FineSteelCastingiron Premium Carbon Steel Fluorousrubber Viton GrayCastiron Gray Iron Hayne'salloy Cobalt Chromium Tungsten Alloy Hightemperaturesteel High Temperature Steel Monel Monel Lowtemperaturesteel Low Temperature Steel Nylon Nylon Plastic Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTEF) Fluorine Ethylene Polythene Polyethylene Purealuminium Pure Aluminum Purecupper Pure Copper Rubbergraphiteboard Rubber Graphite Sheet Springsteel Spring Steel Stainlessacid-resistingsteel Stainless Steel Acid Steel StainlessandGraphite Stainless Steel / Graphite Stainlesssteel Stainless SteelCastingiron Carbon Steel Castings ShellTestPr essure shell test pressure ServiceFluid working medium