Stone And Marble Cutting Machine Cement Board Cutting,Curbstone Granite Cutting Machine,Cnc Stone Machine Cutting Head Science & Technology Corporation , Rigaku's new D/teX Ultra 250 silicon strip detector reduces data acquisition time by nearly 50% compared to other detectors. By increasing the effective area of ​​the aperture, the overall count rate and the coverage angle of the detector are improved, thereby achieving a time-saving effect. Through a unique combination of low-energy discrimination and a secondary monochromator, the detector achieves very good energy resolution, x-ray fluorescence (XRF) suppression.
Rigaku's D/teX Ultra 250 1D detector is a result of the company's continuous efforts to reduce the XRD data acquisition time, greatly improving the performance of the instrument such as the flux. The new silicon strip detectors can be used in Rigaku's top-of-the-range Smartlab diffraction systems, which are innovatively guided software, auto-calibration, and CBO Optics. The D/teX Ultra 250 has many improvements over previous detectors, including a smaller pixel size (0.075 mm versus 0.10 mm) for improved resolution, increased length for improved count rate and coverage angle, and a unique XRF suppression configuration Makes energy resolution even better.