The silver atoms form freely on the polyester fabric to form functional metallic fine particles. The morphology of the deposited layer of silver on the fabric was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The chemical form of silver was analyzed by XPS. The test of its washability and anti-ultraviolet performance shows that the high-temperature baking treatment after evaporation can effectively improve its durability: polyester fabrics; metal finishing; baking ceramics widely used in the textile industry such as Al203, Mg0, Zn0, Ti02 , CaC03, etc., are essentially metal oxides. In fact, when these ceramic powders are finely sized to 30~200 nmn. When the nanometer size is reached, the mechanical, optical, catalytic, and thermal properties of the nanoscale effect and the special properties in terms of biological activity and chemical reactivity make it important in the field of textile, printing and dyeing, and finishing. Evaporative agglomeration is an early physical method for preparing nanoparticles. The resulting product particles are generally between 5 and 100 nm. The raw materials of the nanoparticles are heated and evaporated to become atoms or molecules, and then the atoms or molecules are condensed. Producing very fine nanoparticles In fact, in the commonly used SEM observation, in order to avoid the interference of excess charges, non-conductive samples often need to be metal coated on the surface of the coating, the coating thickness between 1lOOnrn. This study is based on the above facts. Using the scanning electron microscope coating principle, silver filaments are excited into gaseous state under the action of high-temperature transients, and are allowed to settle freely under vacuum conditions, thereby forming a layer of metal or alloy on the surface of the base fabric in order to obtain textiles. Anti-UV, heat insulation, radiation protection, anti-static and anti-bacterial special features. (b) shows that there is a layer of loosely packed and non-uniformly distributed material on the surface of Sample 3 compared to the original polyester with very smooth surface, and it can be concluded that the silver particles are covered by free-settling. The unit length in the image is 2pm, and it can be intuitively considered that the silver particles formed by the accumulation are very small. The coating of Sample 6 shown in (d) appeared as a smooth continuous film. It can be explained that as the amount of silver increases and the evaporation time increases, the particles grow and gradually change from the initial granular distribution to a continuous film-like distribution. (c) It shows that after the sample 3 is baked, the silver sedimentation layer is still clearly visible, but it becomes smoother and the embossing and undulation is reduced, which can be explained by the fact that the baking treatment results in redistribution of part of the silver particles. This shows that by controlling the spraying process conditions, such as the use of metallic silver, the distribution morphology and size of the silver atoms on the fiber surface can be changed. 2.3 X-ray photon energy spectrum (XPS) analysis In order to study the morphology of silver in the metal layer formed by the evaporation method, XPS analysis was performed on the original fabric sample and 2 samples. The results are shown. The silver photoelectron peak, but since the silver photoelectron peak position of the metallic Ag should be at 368.3 eV, and the silver photoelectron peak position of the Ag20 should be at 367.8 eV, it is not easy to judge silver based only on the silver photoelectron peak of (b). status. Since the oxidation of metallic Ag to silver oxide inevitably results in a change in the peak and peak position of the oxygen photoelectron peak. (e) and (f) are the waveform separations of the 01SXPS spectra ((c) and (d)) of the samples before and after silver plating, respectively. (e) The two photoelectron peaks shown at 531.96 eV and 533.73 eV respectively represent the UV protection coefficients of different samples in Table 2 UPFTab.2 UPFvalue of different (4) as they are, s waveform separation diagram (0,s waveform separation of ft 2a samples organic oxygen species (ie, oxygen in the fiber macromolecular chain) and oxygen adsorbed on the fabric. (f) shows that the photoelectron peak at 533.73eV disappears after silver plating, and the photoelectron peak representing oxygen in Ag20 appears at 529.33eV, so that the fabric can be judged The silver on the silver is present in the presence of Ag20* 2.4 Baking effect analysis This article examined the effect of baking treatment by testing the UV radiation resistance and washing resistance of different samples.The UPF of the uncoated silver fabric as-is was tested to be 7.3, can not meet the requirements of UV protection minimum UPF equal to 15. Different vapor deposition samples treated by different methods, the UV protection factor UPF as shown in Table 2. Among them, A is a single evaporation, B is for evaporation plus 5 times Wash, C for evaporation and baking plus 5 times washing. Table 2 shows that the UPF value of the fabric after silver plating is significantly increased, but the UPF value after water washing is basically the same as the original, indicating that the combination of silver oxide and the fabric is only a physical adsorption. However, after baking and then washing, the UPF value of the fabric is still significantly higher than the original. The author understands that in the baking process, the fiber macromolecular chain rotates, holes are formed in the fiber, and the fine silver oxide particles on the macromolecular chain of the fiber are absorbed into the fiber to obtain a more durable finishing effect. From Table 2, it can be seen that the effect of the baking treatment is also related to the silver content on the fabric. 6 Samples containing more silver, UPF values ​​after roasting and washing were the same as unbaked samples, while samples 1 and 2 showed significant improvement in UV resistance after baking treatment, although the fabric contained very little silver. The increase. The author believes that as the amount of silver wire increases, the concentration of silver oxide vaporized in a closed vapor deposition chamber increases, causing the silver oxide particles formed by the agglomeration to become larger due to collisions, and the subsequent increase in the amount of silver oxide deposited on the surface of the cloth. The particle size of the silver oxide particles on the surface of the cloth increases, which makes it difficult for the silver oxide particles to enter the interior of the fiber during the baking process, thereby reducing the binding fastness of the silver oxide to the fiber. The UV shielding performance of the fabric can be enhanced by strengthening the fabric against ultraviolet rays. Scattering, reflection and absorption have been improved. It has been reported that ceramic powders such as Ti20 and ZnO have ultraviolet absorption characteristics. I believe that Ag20, Ti20 and ZnO are equivalent to inorganic ceramic powders and have similar UV absorption effects. At the same time, since the amount of silver used in the preparation of 1 and 2 samples is much smaller than that of other samples, the particle size of the silver oxide powder formed on the sample is much smaller than that of other samples, and it is easier to enter the fiber during baking, possibly due to the small size of nanoparticles. The size effect and quantum effect make the UV shielding performance of the fabric significantly improved despite the small amount of silver on the sample. 2.5 Wash Resistance Test Using the UVA transmittance as a parameter, the change in the wash performance of the 2 samples before and after baking was studied. As shown in the results, the silver oxide particles enter the inside of the fiber due to the baking treatment and are thus subjected to After a different number of washes, the UVA transmittance can still be kept low; without the baking treatment, the loose combination of silver particles and fibers is difficult to withstand the usual washing action, leading to destruction of the finishing effect. 3 Conclusion This article conducted a polyester fabric vacuum evaporation metal finishing experiment, during the deposition process, the silver wire placed in a closed vacuum chamber due to the instantaneous high temperature gasification, and free to settle on the polyester fabric. XPS test shows that the silver on the fabric is easily oxidized to form Ag20 in the air. The baking temperature treatment can significantly improve the fastness of the fabric and Ag20, and significantly improve the washing performance. The UV shielding performance test shows that the finishing can effectively improve the polyester fabric UV resistance. However, controlling the amount of silver used can not only change the morphology of the silver oxide agglomerate particles formed on the fabric, but also affect the fastness and performance of the finishing. The author believes that this may be the rotation of macromolecule chains in the fiber during the baking process, the formation of holes in the fiber, the adsorption of fine silver oxide particles into the fiber inside, thus improving the binding fastness of Ag20 particles and fibers Scientific confirmation of this fact is equal to further research.
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Research on Metal Finishing of Polyester Textiles by Vacuum Evaporation
Research on Metal Finishing of Polyester Textiles by Vacuum Evaporation
Core Tip: The silver atoms form freely on the polyester fabric to form functional metallic fine particles. The morphology of the deposited layer of silver on the fabric was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The chemical form of silver was analyzed by XPS. Its test of washing performance and anti-ultraviolet performance shows that high-temperature baking after evaporation can be